August, 2, 2020
Dear MEDCCE Family of Saints:
Greetings to all of you. May the grace, peace, and blessings of God be upon you this day and every day is our prayer for you in Jesus' name. Please do not mistake our silence during this season of challenges that we have forgotten our ministry to you and the commandment of Jesus to teach and baptize in his name. We have come together in prayer, conversation, and planning to determine our next steps given our uncertain conditions before we decided to share these thoughts with you.
We have decided to NOT begin classes of MEDCCE in September. Instead, we are using that time until we do start classes to modify the platform and format of how we can best serve the Christian community of churches and its people. The uncertainty of the pandemic and the rise of COVID-19 cases in our State validates our decision to maintain the "Stay home, stay safe" principles of our State government and the CDC. However, those conditions does not mean that we ignore the reality of this pandemic and rush back into our places of worship. Quite the opposite, we need to understand three promises of God contained in the Word that will help us reason and faith our way through this experience.
- We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a preculiar people; that we (the Church) should shew forth the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.
- When we rely and trust in men, things are impossible, but with God all things are possible.
- Parelleling te events of Esther, MEDCCE has been around for many years and I beleive this is the time that MEDCCE cannot be quiet but use this technology to further the Kingdom of God and the educational training of our churches.
We are building a platform of technology, instructors, and methods that will be easy to use by all age groups to construct a virtual classroom environment where people can learn, interact, and get the instructional information to grow spiritually in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are in the planning and development stage of this viritual classroom platform and meetings will be scheduled at the appropriate time.
Until we are ready to present this platform to you, please continue your support of our work by prayer and supplication. Your ongoing commitment to this work is vital to our success and our commitment to provide you with quality instructors and educational materials will not be stopped, delayed, or interrupted because of COVID-19 or any other demonic interference. We are on a mission by God, "Strengthening Churches and Advancing the Kingdom Through Partnership," please partner with one another in prayer, love and commitment during this time of stress so we can be those lights that are on a hill to shine.
Your servants in Christ,
Floyd A. Davis
President, Metropolitan District Congress for Christian Eduation