District Announcements

District Announcements

Announcements pertinent to the District are posted here. Submit additional announcements with complete contact information to admin@metropolitanbaptistdistrict.org for review and posting. All announcements are subject to an approval process.
Saturday, February 25, 2017 - 9am to Noon at New Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, 13100 Woodward Ave. Highland Park MI. Rev. Kelvin A. Brooks, Pastor
Tickets are $12.00 each
Proceeds are to help us with our continuing acts of kindness projects. Please come and enjoy a wonderful delicious Breakfast and a delightful program.
The leadership of the District Congress of Christian Education announces that tickets will be available on December 10, 2016 at 8:45am at Tabernacle MBC for the 2016 African American Celebration and Luncheon to be held at the Unity Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Lee Winfrey Host Pastor. Tickets are $25.00 (Table of 8 - $200.00). See Sis. Anne Bell for more information.
Pastors, Ministers, and their wives are invited to this Christmas Fellowship sponsored by the Minister's Wives and Widows Alliance on December 2, 2016 at 6:00pm
Join us January 7, 2017 as we honor and celebrate our past Moderator, Rev. Dr. Oscar King III. Email info@metropolitanbaptistdistrict.org to secure your tickets or contact any of the auxiliary presidents. Rev. Dr. Yvette Griffin, Rev. Pecola Bell, and Dea. Evans Holman, co-chairmen.
Reminder! The Fall 2016 Inspirational Meeting will be November 17, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Greater Shiloh Baptist Church - 557 Benton St Detroit, MI - host Pastor Mark Gray. Pastor Eddie Sain II is our Inspirational Keynote Preacher.
Youth Rally Choir Rehearsal is this Saturday 11/05/2016 at 12:30pm at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church located at 13500 Dexter Avenue; Detroit, MI 48238.
The Women's Auxiliary of the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist District Association has announced their young people's department 2016 Oratorical Institute under the direction of Sis. Jenice Mitchell Ford. Click "Read More" to open full article and download the syllabus. Contact information is included.
PLEASE BE ADVISED OUR NOVEMBER SESSION WILL BE HELD AT Unity Baptist Church 7500 Tireman, Detroit 48204, Rev. Dr. Lee Winfrey, Sr., is Senior Pastor.
Thanks to Pastor Nathan Johnson for helping to facilitate this accommodation and Pastor Winfrey and the Unity family for receiving us.
Please advise everyone you can.
Again, the MEDCCE session for November 12, 2016 (YOUTH RALLY!!!) will NOT be held at Tabernacle, rather we will meet at the Unity Baptist Church.

Thank you,
Pastor Ron
As we prepare for the Youth Rally, which will be held on Saturday, November 12, 2016. we want to ensure that the information regarding the Rehearsals in preparation for the Youth Rally receive the widest dissemination. We will have a Lecturer, and when we return for the Reassembly, the Youth will display their gifts. This year we will have a Praise Team, Choir, Dance and Sign Ministry represented.

Please help you your young people select ONE Ministry to participate in, and attend the rehearsals for that Ministry based on the attached Rehearsal outline. If you need directions to a particular church, their phone numbers are listed on the attachment.
There are a few seats left on the bus to Jackson, MI October 14, 2016. The cost per seat is $13. The bus will leave for Jackson at 4:30 pm from Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church.
We are traveling to Jackson, MI to join the Chain Lake District in hosting our President, Dr. Jerry Young, on Associations Night. Metropolitan District has stepped up and is planning to represent well.
Call Rev. Debra Carter or Dr. Kimberly Elyse at 313-898-3325 no later than 2:00 pm October 6, 2016 to confirm your seat if you have not already. Seats are first come, first serve.